Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Guilty mom syndrome

Yesterday was Lowen's 4th birthday.  I made the cake of his choice along with the dinner of his choice (frozen pizza- I know, I've outdone myself), but other than that, I didn't do too much. No birthday banners or special breakfast. I even planned to wrap his gifts in Christmas paper since it was all I had on hand. Luckily, Jordan came to the rescue at the last minute and brought home some boy-themed paper. I poured him a bowl of raisin bran for his birthday breakfast, and sent him to preschool with a plate of homemade cupcakes, kind of thinking I'm a very cool mom for remembering to bring a treat to school. His teacher politely told me that due to food allergies they couldn't give them to the kids. GREAT. I love staying up until 10pm baking cupcakes for no good reason. OK, I guess I should know that sort of rule by now. Everyone is allergic to something these days. I felt annoyed and defeated. So, by the time I got home from work I was feeling guilty-mother-syndrome.

I don't know why I had to spend my day feeling like that. Lowen loved the stupid frozen pizza- hey at least it was organic, right? He ooh'd and ahhh'd over the chocolate cake I made for him. He was perfectly behaved all night and that NEVER happens. He smiled all night and said please and thank you without being prompted. He was genuinely happy, and it didn't take much from me to elicit that sort of joy. And I loved watching him explode with 4-year old giddiness.

I wanted to post this because I think there are a lot of moms like me who feel guilty for working or for not doing enough, whatever that means. I realized last night that kids are simple and so easy to make happy. We all just need to let it go, forgive ourselves for not being perfect, and set an example for our little ones that happiness is simple and inexpensive to find.

Happy birthday to the sweetest little boy, Lowen Bradley Kahn. A true blessing to me, and I'm so grateful for what he teaches me.


  1. Love this post. Funny, I had the best day ever with my kids today and have been feeling blissful about it - and it was the most simple, basic day. I worked in the yard all day while they played around me digging in the dirt and looking for bugs. And my kids love frozen pizza too. :)

  2. Thanks, Coll. Your day does sound blissful. And glad to hear frozen pizza is popular in your home, too. XO
