Saturday, April 12, 2014

Change your life...starting May 5, 2014!

I'm super excited to be offering my 6-Week Health Reboot to everyone starting on May 5, 2014, which will permanently change the way you eat, for the better. Once you try this clean, minimally-processed lifestyle, you will have a hard time going back to your old habits. It's just the truth. You will feel energetic, you will be nourishing your body with the best nutrition, and you will see results (and just in time for summer). While my program is not designed specifically for weight loss, most people do lose anywhere from 5-10 pounds. Most people also notice a loss of inches, especially in the abdominal area.  But what is most awesome is that you will never feel deprived of food. Aside from showing you what optimal nutrition looks and feels like, my program will help you establish a better, more stable relationship with food by helping you to tap into your hunger cues, design meals and snacks that are satiating, and get rid of unhealthful food habits. All of this will have a profound impact on you with a positive ripple effect on your family and friends. Like your computer, your body deserves a Reboot, too!

What will I be eating?
You will enjoy fresh, whole foods with delicious, easy to prepare recipes. No, this is not a juicing plan and no, you won't be eating "diet" foods. You will be eating clean, healthful foods, which will serve to detox your system. Week 1 of the Reboot is the most restrictive, but as the program progresses, you will have the option to add food groups back into your diet. This method serves to identify any food sensitivities or intolerances. You may simply discover you "feel" best without certain foods, like dairy or wheat. Each person is unique, and this program caters to individual discovery.

Is there a workout component to the Reboot?
Yes and No. I am not a personal trainer nor do I have any certifications in that domain, but I do have A LOT of experience with different types of exercise. I cannot express how important I think adopting a fitness plan is, if you don't already have one. To me, eating well and exercise go together like peanut butter and (fruit-sweetned:) jelly. This nutrition program is a lifestyle, not a fad, just like exercise should not be a fad for you either. My program is about discovering your best you- and I encourage you to nourish your inner and outer self. I am much more interested in seeing you develop healthy long-term exercise habits than a short-term fix. So find something you love (walking, running, barre classes, biking, OnDemand fitness), and do it often. It's that simple. Too busy? I believe every person has at least 10 minutes a day to spare, and that's what I would ask of you at a minimum. I am happy to discuss an exercise plan with you in more detail if you need some ideas.

If I lose weight, will I gain it right back after the program?
No! And here is my little secret. The last weeks of the Reboot are intentionally designed to reflect what I consider to be the healthiest, most balanced diet. Most Rebooters find that they love the way they feel and continue this lifestyle after the program is over. So, really, there is no transitioning needed - by the end of the program you will know exactly what you need to eat in order to maintain weight loss but more importantly, you will likely be committed to the lifestyle because you will feel like a whole new person.

How strict is the Reboot? Can I "cheat"?
I'm not a big fan of being too strict about anything in life. Having fun and enjoying life are way more important than worrying about a glass of wine or slice of birthday cake. You should maintain a normal social calendar during the Reboot and set your own goals and limits. I will provide you with tips for dining out on the Reboot in your Reboot binder.

I don't have a lot of time to cook. Are the recipes complicated?
Nope! My recipes are quick to throw together and there are often leftovers - perfect for the next day's lunch or dinner. And you absolutely do not need to use the recipes provided. I love hearing about new ideas and recipes from Rebooters, so I always encourage recipe sharing during the program.

How much does it cost? And what is included for that price?
The cost to participate in the 6-week Reboot is $150 for first-timers, and $75 for second-timers. Here is what you will get: a bound copy of my Reboot plan with detailed explanation of the program, sample meal plans, awesome, tested recipes, and a food/exercise journal. You will also receive membership to our Facebook group. This is invaluable!! Here we will share experiences, issues, recipes, ideas, motivation, ask questions, etc. I will post new recipes and fun challenges each week for Rebooters on our FB group as well. You can message me anytime with your questions, and I will be quick to respond. I will also provide you with my cell phone number- you can text me anytime with questions. In addition, I will offer an introductory group meeting, and a closing meeting. If you cannot attend the meetings, I always post summaries of what was covered on our FB page. Think you might need more personal attention or a kitchen clean-up? Not a problem. I'm available by appointment for personal meetings/Facetime at $75/hr.

How do I sign up?
Send me an email ( so that we can exchange info. I will then send you a hardcopy of the Reboot and add you to our Facebook group. Very simple!

I cannot wait to share my program with all of you. Whether you want to learn what clean eating is all about or get slimmer for summer break, this is a great program to discover. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you Reboot!

Here's what others are saying about the Reboot:

"I can't thank you enough for this whole experience! I feel like a new person! It's been an amazing journey for me & I feel so much better about myself."-JT

"Thank you for everything Katie! I love my new eating habits and can't believe how it's inspired me to introduce new foods to my family...and they love it! I wasn't perfect in staying 'in the lines' during the reboot, but I did notice that gluten free /dairy free makes a world of difference in how I feel. Thank you!" -LM

" ...I haven't felt so good and had so much energy in who knows how long, I really can't remember feeling this good! It never felt like a "diet" just a better way to eat and to fuel myself. I love the recipes, the flavors and spices and the diversity of the menus. It really got me out of a cooking rut and inspired me again in the kitchen. I am not ready for it to end and will be continuing with all the healthy new habits I've gained and come to really appreciate. I feel great, my pants are loose, my stomach is "flatter" and I feel strong. I'm still drinking the morning tonic and I just got a new bottle of raw unflitered apple cider vinegar for the next 6 weeks." - LD

"...I am so grateful to Katie Kahn for this wonderful eating program ...I am definitely on the right track and well on my way to getting back to my ideal weight. I actually got out my clothes I had boxed up over 3 years ago before my first baby and they fit! Yay!! I have a whole new wardrobe! Thinking about starting over again too... I am so motivated to keep going ... plus i feel SOOO much better! I am actually enjoying life more and I'm a lot nicer mommy and wife  I am so happy to be out of my menu rut and have a whole array of wonderful recipes as well as a stronger, leaner body  THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! xoxoxo" -RF

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